I spent several hours today reading blogs and making comments – responding to comments – trying to catch up after the Christmas rush. Also fit in some laundry, some pinterst time and repaired a couple of pairs of my son’s jeans. Went for groceries, made some fantastic chili and delicious corn bread (if I do say so myself). Cleaned up after dinner and wondered where the day went. I’m exhausted. I’m posting a few random photos to finish off the year.

Here are pictures of flowers to remind us of warmer days, Kush the cat who is always entertaining, an old family photo and misc. items of beauty for you to enjoy.  I would like to wish everyone all the very best in 2013!

15 thoughts

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. Bet everything this year will be so much easier with your new glasses – interesting how deeply denial is ingrained in us. I like your new year’s resolutions, and hope to find a minute to create a list of my own. Happy New Year!


  1. Put your feet up and think about all the lovely things you are going to see … make … create … cook … do … next year !
    I’ll raise a glass to that later Terri 😉


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