Another week has blasted by – another photo challenge has appeared. At least when I try to figure out where this past week went, I know the answer. I was in San Francisco for a few days. (An excellent place to lose a few days.) But on to the challenge.

This photo challenge speaks volumes to me since I LOVE color. It wouldn’t be  possible for me to select a single hue, but here are a few hues I’ve been immersed in recently. My first photo shows dinner plates stacked and ready at my recent yoga workshop dinner.

stack of colorful plates I’m working in my studio, and Kush the cat is still supervising/snoozing. These are quilt blocks from my current project and quilts ready and waiting for their bindings.Kush on quiltsmore quilt blocks quilt blocks colorful quiltsquilts

24 thoughts

  1. Our cats are sooo envious of Kush because he gets to live with ALL those colors. Around here they have to sleep on one color at a time. I’m happy to say we do HAVE color but not the rainbow that surrounds you!


  2. Gorgeous colors Terri and, as usual, snoozing Kush makes a perfect model. Her coat looks so comfy! I was born and raised in San Francisco. I loved the Victorian style architecture. Sometimes homeowners painted their Victorians in eye catching colors.


What do you think?