I want to share the first sightings of spring in my neighbourhood. These aren’t dramatic and colorful flower photos, because that’s not the way spring appears in Calgary. The first photo shows a tiny tulip that was the first to emerge in my neighbour’s garden. The next two show pasque flowers, commonly known as Prairie Crocus. These are a close relative of Calgary’s official flower – red pasque flower – very similar but a reddish colour, and not quite as hardy, judging from my attempts to grow them in my garden.tiny tulip flowers through the fence 2 pasque flowersHere’s Calgary’s official flower – Pulsatilla vulgaris rubra, photo courtesy of Wikipedia.red pasque flowerMy flower photos were taken 2 days ago. This is my view of spring this morning. Calgary weather – love it or leave it!snowy spring


10 thoughts

  1. I think you have to be a hardy, resilient individual to live in Calgary! That’s my conclusion upon seeing both photos. 🙂 I am glad you had a little glimpse of true flowering spring, and hope it comes back to settle in for a while!


    1. Fortunately I come from sturdy Alberta stock – this is nothing! Growing up I remember 7″ drifts of snow in the middle of May one year. We could walk right over the back fence, and it was great for tunnels. It’s all in your perspective.


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