My name is Terri and I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’m a designer with formal training in interior design. That training has filtered through all the creative endeavors of my life. My interests include design, printmaking, textile printing, sewing, quilting, cooking, photography, mosaic tile work, travel and most things artistic. I am happy when totally immersed in a creative project, and happiest when I bring a project to completion. I love learning new techniques and creating things. There are never enough hours in the day!

This blog is my online journal, keeping track of what I’m doing, where I’m travelling, sometimes what I’m eating. I hope to inspire you with my creativity and travel. Please feel free to leave a comment and make my day! If you have any questions, just email me at timetobeinspired at gmail dot com.

The following images show tile work from the exterior of my house.

blue tile

tile sunflower

green tile wall

red, black & purple tilework



44 thoughts

  1. Thank you Terri for liking my post. I like your creativity and share some interests as you, and happy to follow your posts. I find that there’s never enough time in a day too!


  2. Hi Terri, I wanted to thank you for following my blog ‘Beyond Beauty Tips’ and supporting me in my journey for six months.
    I recently moved that blog to its own domain
    so I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to my blog at its new address.
    I hope to see you there. Thanks!


  3. Hi Terri: It seems you’re getting quite a few nominations for Inspiring blogger. Congrats!Gill and I have been nominated for Very Versatile blogger award and we’re including your blog in our list of favorites. Keep up the beautiful work!


  4. Your work that I’ve just peeked at so far, is simply beautiful…I love all the silk screens from the most recent posts!! I want to be creative like you! 🙂 I do actually make wire cuff beaded bracelets. I should do a post on that sometime…I could stay up all night doing them, they are that much fun.


  5. I think your blog is great! And being a fellow “unfocused creator” I love seeing all you do. Give yourself a pat on the back for actually finishing things. I have many unfinished, even some un-started, projects. Definitely not enough hours in the day! I think that is why I love photography so much. Fast, easy, not a lot of set-up, no clean-up, can’t burn yourself, no toxic fumes, not cluttery, very flexible, not tedious, and except for the camera and what-not, cheap. Cheers!!


  6. Have enjoyed pottering around your blog! So varied and interesting . Love the printing and stuff particularly 🙂
    I like a lot of arty stuff too but somehow the photographyside is seeming to take over at the moment .
    look forward to more stuff !


  7. Nice meeting you through the ether Terri! I appreciate your statement: “My creative interests are so diverse that I feel unfocused.” I have the same thing going on with my photographic art, I love to film so many things that sparks creativity! My niche is equine photography and you can see my portfolio at You will also notice the variety of photos under Fine Art. It just keeps growing! 😉
    I enjoy visiting your site, so I’ll be back.


  8. Thanks so much Terri. Great to spend the morning together. A red letter day – I learned to fold a yoga blanket the ‘right’ way. I am a happy person. Keep on Bloggin’


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