First of all I want to mention something about my appointment last week at the cast clinic. Once my cast was removed, my surgeon asked me if I still had the last splint. He meant the splint that was made at the hospital, immediately following surgery. My mind went back further to the splint that I’d had for my right hand. I was so confused, because what good would a right hand splint do for my left hand? I did not have the splint from surgery, because as soon as it is removed for a cast to be made, it is thrown into the garbage. Doesn’t this seem like a lack of communication somewhere? Oh well.

In order to meet with occupational therapy to have a proper splint made, you must have paperwork created at the cast clinic when your cast is removed. This can take a long time if there are no appointments available. I was able to circumvent this by booking an appointment to have a splint made for my right hand before I went to have my cast removed, as I was still seeing O.T. Then I only had to wait 3 days to have a proper splint. Thursday I was at the Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre for my appointment with occupational therapy. I met with Joanne and she made me a splint for my left hand. (of course by then she had the paperwork to approve a splint for my left hand. It was only a little confusing – much like this post.) It is easier to wear something with velcro closings and not a giant tensor bandage wrapped and pinned in place.

The splint is made of heavy-duty plastic that is extremely pliable when heated. It looks like something that would be fun to create sculpture with. Since they don’t give it away, I had to settle for the splint. The first photo shows how well the incision is healing.

hand healing nicely

cotton sleeve for under splint

forming the splint

applying the straps

making adjustments

ta da - finished product

While I was at this appointment, I was able to book an appointment to start physio just five days later. This efficiency was only possible because I was “in the system.” This means I will be starting physio just five weeks after surgery, when with my right hand I had to wait nine weeks. Score!

What do you think?