Thought I’d try some different takes on movement. The first photo shows my Smart being moved by a tow truck. So sad. Fortunately it was only a battery issue and not too serious. Next you see measurement of the incremental movement that my thumb has made since surgery. Fortunately even small movements translate to improved function for my whole hand.

Smart tow

measuring thumb progress

Here you see movement in a large crane in downtown Toronto. The work was so close that it looked as though there might be a crane moving into our hotel room.


Toronto trip crane

crane movement

My last photo shows the airplane propeller that seems a distraction through the viewfinder. Considering the importance of this movement, I did not complain to the flight attendant at all!

13 thoughts

    1. One of the reasons I started my blog was to document my thumb surgeries. I wanted to detail the progress so anyone considering the same would have an idea of what to expect. When I tried to look things up on line all I could find was very technical information, and my surgeon wasn’t very helpful either. I had carpo-metacarpal arthroplasty on both hands and am very pleased with the results. Details are on my misc. page under medical if you are interested. I managed before the surgeries, but things are getting better all the time now with regards to movement and usage.


      1. omg…i am sitting here right now with my left,dominant hand in encased in two rubber gloves soaked in castor oil with a heating pad over it all to relieve dupuytrens contracture. pecking away at the keys with one hand. i just emailed you inquiring your voice of material for your stamps.
        am enjoying your postings and your photography, which besides clay is a passion of mine too. I took 3500 photos in namibia and cape town last month. sorry, I meant ‘choice’ of materials


  1. That part of Toronto looks familiar! Was that highway Queens Quay/Lake Shore Blvd? Where did you stay? I can’t imagine looking out my window to see a crane coming so close! Gasp!

    Someone else mentioned voice changes happening upon meeting a Smart car and I must admit I am among those who have sudden voice shifts when seeing such a cute vehicle. I go from my regular voice to my “puppy” voice when I see a Smart Car. They’re so cute! Sorry yours petered out on you, but glad it was just the battery.


      1. We were right near there when we stayed in Toronto! No wonder it looked familiar.

        “Meep meep” sounds like a perfect sound for a Smart car! A bit Roadrunner from Bugs Bunny and a bit Beaker from the Muppets. 🙂


  2. It seems a great waste of money to have your car towed. Why not just pick it up and carry it to the nearest garage? I guess maybe you were afraid of hurting the thumb? I like the last shot the best. The blur of the propeller…


  3. I agree! I like the thumb pic best. Even as I type this, there is so much movement on the keyboard…yet I never would have bothered to notice it before this post!


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