So many purple things to choose from…. where to begin? The first photo shows 3 of my friends in the garden. I painted them several years ago and they’ve lived outside since. I love their weathered look, but they might need another layer of color this summer.

painted yard ornaments

The second photo is a piece of Chihuly glass from the Seattle exhibition. Most interestingly the outside of the form is completely different in color and pattern from the inside.

Chihuly glass

This next photo shows a section of tile mosaic from the side of our house. You’d better believe that it is hard to find a decent selection of purple tile to work with, unless you want to invest a small fortune for imported tile. I even resorted to flipping some small tiles upside down just to add some variety!

red, black and purple mosaic

The last two photos are also from Chihuly Garden and Glass in Seattle. I love the contrast between the day and night photos of the same section of purple glass. (I’m still plugging to get you to go see this for yourself. No, I’m not on commission, though that would be a good idea…) This is a magical place – no other way to say it. Do not visit the Seattle area without going there or else!

purple in Chihuly garden

purple glass at nightI have a plethora of purple flower photos, but I think I’ve shown enough to show you that I love the color!

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