How is this for fabulous? I’ve played with my blog – trying to figure things out, as usual. A new post from WordPress inspired me to try some different layouts for photos. I don’t feel like I have a lot of any control over these layouts, but they might be a nice change once in a  while. It is infinitely easier to add a gallery and not one photo at a time. (This could just be my lack of expertise.) I’ve selected a random group of photos – tile mosaic installations from around the world. I am always on the look-out for great ways to use tile.

If you click on a photo you can see them in a larger format and scroll through them. So tell me, what do you think of the gallery presentation?

As a side note, I want to know how WordPress got hold of my idea “something completely different”? I did the first draft of this post with just the title, about 3 weeks ago. I was sitting trying to come up with an idea and only got that far.  I finished it off on October 5th when the Weekly Photo Challenge included information on the new gallery formats. Then on October 8th the Weekly Writing Challenge was announced and they took my title for a theme? Can you believe it? I just want everyone to know that I wrote it down first. Well, not before Monte Python, but first in my blogging world. Hope you enjoy it.

24 thoughts

  1. Tiles- the love of my life! Like your tile curb.
    I tried the new gallery format without much success so I must have done it wrong (no surprises there!). I’m not very patient. When you use this format do they automatically come up in slide form when you click on an individual photo, or did you have to do something to facilitate that? I’ll have to give it another try.


    1. Thanks. The tile curb is from a restaurant in Seattle. I didn’t do anything special to the format to get the slide show to work. My objection to the gallery is the lack of control that I have (might just be me) as to where the photos go in the arrangement. Also, you can’t add a single photo above or below the gallery – everything gets included. I’ve only used it twice and find it too frustrating, but perhaps I’m too concerned with control. That’s a whole other issue!


    1. Pamela, I’ve been checking out your blogs and I’m very excited to see your work. I especially interested in working with people with your kind of experience. I’ve tiled some exterior walls of my house, and the wall around my front patio as well as some smaller projects, but I am self taught. Bet I would have saved a lot of time and trouble by taking some courses first. There isn’t anything offered around here that I thought would be helpful, and I wasn’t ready to go to Italy. Mexico and Italy are both looking good now! Thanks for finding my blog – I look forward to getting to know you.


    1. Thanks. That’s interesting considering the photos were taken all over the place. With this photo layout I don’t seem to be able to add captions except at the very top or bottom of the post. I’ll work on it.


    1. Thanks for pointing out the Mercer Museum. It looks so interesting that I will make a point of visiting one day. When I started working with tile I was really taken with the permanence of the material. The Mercer should be full of photo opportunities!


      1. I used to go there as a kid and I can’t remember much about it…other than the amazing mosaics! It really is a lovely place.


  2. Don’t you feel like wordpress is just lurking behind the screen watching our every move, lol?! No doubt that was your title.. and an excellent one, I might add! Love your gallery of photos. I enjoy discovering new ways to use the system they have here. It’s always a revelation for me 😀


  3. We stopped and “played” on an amazing mosaic installation in Nambucca Heads, Australia that I will never forget and was a highlight of the trip. They are so inspiring and incredibly creative.
    PS- As long as you’re asking… I like the photos as big as you can get them on the main page, only scrolling down necessary-saving clicks for later. Just my opinion!


    1. Will keep the Australia tip in mind – thanks. Also thank you for commenting on the photo layout. I tend to agree with you, though the speed of loading was awfully tempting!


  4. Since my day job is in tile I am always noticing it in one way or another i.e., interesting mosaic, a crummy installation or something quirky. In summer I noticed someone had glued lime green colored glass mosaic to a fire hydrant. Why? Just another of those New York City mysteries that no doubt seemed like a good idea to whoever did it at that time — when they were probably at least two sheets to the wind. That installation was terrible. You show an interesting array of mosaic patterns here.


    1. Thanks. I’m always delighted to find unique tile installations. I’m also a real critic when it comes to design and technique – downright picky as a mater of fact! I’ve heard there are some New York subway stations that I should check out for great tile work. Yes, that’s a good reason to go to New York, right?


      1. Some of the subway stations out here have gorgeous tilework. I’ve been photographing them for a future Lame Adventure. I’m not sure when I will write that post, but I’ve been working on it off and on for a while.


      2. I look forward to it. Whenever I hear about one of the tiled stations I try to keep track, but since I have no idea where I’ve been keeping track I’d love to have you jog my memory.


  5. Don’t know why, but when I look at the page (in IE8) I just see a very narrow sliver of each photo, though I can click on them and scroll through them ok. I love mosaics, hope to find the time and (physical) space to dabble with them properly one day.


    1. Hayley, have you tried reloading the page? I haven’t heard of anyone else having problems yet. Let me know if you can see them. If not I’ll email them to you or something.


      1. I can see them but only by clicking into one of the images and scrolling through them from there. It’ll be a browser issue – the IE version at work is a little bit out of date.


  6. First let me tell you,creativity is one of your many assets.Secondly as far as I see,Wordpress should have acknowledged that they have borrowed your title.
    I am amazed how you can use pictures to create so many different things.Congratulations and thank you for uploading your amazing work,so we can have a look and learn from it.


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