Here’s the Daily Post weekly photo challenge. When I tried to think of something that was a habit, the first thing that came to mind was Kush the cat. She makes a habit of relaxing – anywhere, anytime. She also seems able to sleep anywhere. I found a few other things in my photos that are habitual, but none as pronounced as my Kush photos. Unless you consider my habit of taking pictures of this beautiful cat. I’m indulging in a huge array of my favorite cat photos. I apologize to anyone who is looking for something besides Kush the cat photos, but every once in a while I need to get this out of my system.Kush comfy on stuff Kush sleeping Kush sleeping 174-2013-01-15-15-39-16 Kush sleeping Kush sleeping Kush sleeping Kush sleeping Kush sleeping again Kush sleeping on chair Kush sleeping Kush hanging Kush on fabric strips Kush on sewing Kush in basket Kush in container Kush on floor Kush sleeping on couch Kush in flower bed Kush on couch Kush on quilt Kush on pillowsleeping catKush comfy on fabric

40 thoughts

  1. Never tire of Kush photos. I love the one of her relaxing in the sunbeam on her back. Actually, love all of them. So great. As someone else said, wish I could relax like that!


  2. Kush is a lovely Fuzz Face! I am crazy about cats.. 🙂 Thank you for the visit to my blog because it brought me here. I think I will get a good kitty fix here and there are other interesting things. I will be back for a longer visit! The picture of Kush in the shallow white box with one hind leg and feetie just almost touching something solid in case a bit of balance is needed cracks me up!


  3. I love all the cat pics. I do it too daily at least once. I must have a thousand cat photos.

    Kush is gorgeous! I love your craft room too. It looks a bit like mine with stuff everywhere. My cats love to get into that stuff. They always want to lay on something no matter what it is.



  4. I can’t decide whether Kush is a color collector or a fabric hoarder. Either way, she found a kindred spirit in whoever lives in the house she decorated.


  5. Kush the cat is great and I can see why you love taking the pics. Oh my, the one where she is sprawled out on the blue fabric, her little paws hanging over the side, I busted out laughing at that one. What a character and what a life! 🙂


  6. you are quite right, that is one beautiful cat!! and oh so content. these are all fabulous photos!! and she has such interesting coloring. love the white paws 😉


      1. I love the thought of your trove of Kush pictures crashing the WordPress servers and wreaking havoc on the Happiness Engineers while the real Kush is curled up at home peacefully enjoying more sweet dreams.


What do you think?