Aren’t we all? Let me give you a little rundown of what’s been keeping me away from my blog for the last few months, I mean the better part of a year…

This summer, as for the last 3 summers, I took part in a self-directed residency program run by Contextural, a fibre group to which I belong. We rent the textile studios at the Alberta College of Art and Design where residency participants can work for 3 months. It is heaven. The facilities, the freedom, the inspiration from fellow participants – all incredible.

I printed hundreds of quilting “fat quarters” with 2 or 3 different images screen printed in layers on beautiful quilting fabrics. For people not familiar with the term fat quarter, it is a meter (or yard, depending on where you live) of fabric which is cut in half lengthwise and widthwise. This gives a quilter a useable size of material to work with. I plan on using some of these prints in my own quilts, and I’ve photographed my favorites to use the images in other ways. That still leaves a very large pile of printed material that needs a home. They could be available for sale at some point, but the logistics need work.

Here are a few photos of the fat quarters pinned up to dry in the studio:


I printed napkins, tea towels, place mats and gift bags for our annual sale in November. Of course that sale has long since passed, but here are a few of the products I produced:


I started printing yardages with my multi screen multi layer technique. So much fun to be had!  Some fabrics were slightly altered while some were almost totally disguised. This will most likely be the focus of my work next summer.



This smattering of work from the summer months is not really all that I’ve done since my last post in April, but I think it’s all I’ll share today. I’m hopeful that I can get back to blogging as I’m missing my blogging friends. I also miss the process of organizing thoughts and photos to record what’s happening in my part of the world. Here’s hoping for a renewed relationship with WordPress!



2 thoughts

  1. Dear Terri,
    Only yesterday I wondered what you were up to, nice to know you were busy, you’ve got some fine designs, they are awesome. Thank you for sharing your work. All the best to you. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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