
I am so out of touch with this poor blog site that it took me 45 minutes to figure out how to sign in to my WordPress account! Now that I see the format, I feel like I’m lost, as I don’t recognize the layout. How did this happen?

Since, as usual, I don’t have time to deal with reworking the entire site, I will try to post a little current info. One would think that being stuck at home for 9 months during a pandemic would give a person time to attend to such things, but apparently that is not the case! I am busy in the studio, printing tea towels, placemats, aprons, napkins and any number of misc. items for the upcoming Contextural Artisan Sale. I wasn’t expecting the sale to take place this year because of the pandemic, but we have some dedicated group members who were willing to make it happen. We have had to change our venue and must implement a variety of procedures to keep the event safe for everyone. So many rules and regulations! But as they say, where there is a will, there is a way. Therefore, I am happy to announce that the Contextural Christmas Artisan Sale will take place this year on November 21, at the Alexandra Dance Hall in Inglewood.

I am delighted with the aprons that I have printed this year. They are such fun to create, and even more fun to wear. Here are photos of a few on the print table. I know I should be presenting photos in a more professional setting, but thought I’d share work in progress.

I’m going to leave this now. Don’t want to overwhelm people when I’ve been away sooooooo long. Will try to post again before 2 years roll by…


2 thoughts

    1. Thanks, Ranu. Glad to hear from you. I’m embarrassed that it’s been so long that I can barely remember how to do a post, and I certainly can’t figure out a lot of details! Must figure out how to select a feature photo among other things. I know I can do this!


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