Recently I had the privilege of attending an exhibition tour conducted by Naomi Potter titled “Colour Chart”. It took place at the Esker Foundation  in Calgary, where the current exhibitions are titled Jack Bush: In Studio, and Colleen Heslin: Needles and Pins. These exhibitions work incredibly well together. As much as I enjoyed the work when first arriving at the gallery, my appreciation grew as we learned more and more about these two artists. I can’t wait to go see it again! These exhibitions run until May 8, so if you are anywhere in the Calgary area – you have no excuse to miss them.

If you have never visited the Esker Foundation – what the heck are you waiting for? Rather than repeat myself about how incredible this place is, please check out my post Amazing Calgary Art Experience. Seriously people, what do I have to do to convince you? How about this – admission and underground parking are free. Got it? Now get going.

Here are a few photos of Colleen Heslin’s work. Colleen works with fabrics which she has dyed (linens and cottons) and sewn together to form her wonderful works of art. You must see them to appreciate them.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you get out to see this show. You’ll thank me for it.




6 thoughts

  1. Made it! After the opening of Road Trip on Sunday afternoon. Great to meet you there, Terri — and to connect with you not only as part of SAQA, but also as the writer of this blog! 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation to see Ms. Heslin’s work; I really enjoyed it!

    Liked by 1 person

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