This is just a little throw together post, as I woke up to realize it is Wednesday and I didn’t schedule a post for this morning. Horrors! I’ve been so proud of myself sticking to my schedule. What was I thinking? What was I doing? So without further ado, here are some of my favorite shots from Pike Place Market in Settle, WA. Like any good market, it is a photographers’ dream.

Public Market sign

plentiful vegetables

vegetables and scale

great veggies

colorful potatoes


avocados and sign


green beans

produce stall

seafood display


great signage

colorful kitchenware

gravey boats

peoniesThe riot of color, texture, taste, sound and smell is amazing – a delight for all the senses. Do not miss the market if you are lucky enough to visit Seattle.

31 thoughts

  1. I live in PA, but my son lives in Seattle and I have been to that market twice… loved it each time. The flowers!!! are amazing.
    Love your photos! Thanks for following my blog and I’m about to follow yours, as well. 🙂


  2. I haven’t visited the market in a while and I need new floral arrangements for my kitchen. So, you definitely inspired me to go 🙂 A few comments earlier on, you were asking about the prices. Well, this area is quite expensive, so Pike Place isn’t pricier than Whole Foods or the other farmers’ markets. Actually, flowers are quite cheap.


  3. Great pics! I had a fleeting visit to PPM a few years ago in between my train arriving and ferry departing, too quick to have a proper look but I did find THE most delicious peaches there.


    1. I have NEVER seen garlic spears for sale at home. I think the hardest part of being there is seeing all the wonderful items I would love to take home but would take a chance on losing when crossing the Canadian border. I never know exactly what is “allowed”.


    1. It is a great market. Having said that, I don’t know how their prices compare to grocery stores or other markets, so if I lived there I don’t know if I’d shop there regularly. It’s also really packed with tourists. But it’s a great spot to visit, shop, eat and take pictures. BTW since we don’t have Trader Joe’s or Whole Paycheck here, I love shopping there when I can.


    1. Me too. I know they try at the markets here, but we don’t have the climate to grow a lot of things, so tons of things for sale are brought in and don’t look very different from the produce at the grocery store. Of course that means that we have some great grocery stores.


    1. Thanks, Alesandra. I love them – anywhere in the world they are interesting and colorful. I like the look of your blog. I bought my oldest son a good panini maker when he was at school, and he left it in the house he lived in. I told him that was the last one I would buy for him! They are such great appliances and I look forward to seeing how you use yours.


  4. I think I would like to look at this place.The multi coloured potatoes,the papaya,the sweet potatoes ,wow .Looking at these fresh vegetables and fruits,sends my imagination to wonderland,this to me is what awesome means.Hey keep sending your posts,if anything it will give us immense pleasure!


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